We will be covering individual surf spots in detail, passing along tips from expert to beginner, and musing tangentially about the surf experience in a larger context.
Let's start by talking about where to go surfing. Where in the world...?
Well, let's go with warm water so we dont have to bring a wetsuit. Let's go somewhere where we won't get eaten by sharks or beaten by locals. Let's go somewhere that's easy to get to and cheap when we get there. But most of all, let's go somewhere with waves! We dont wanna get skunked, so who knows how to make sure you get waves?
Hemosa Beach in Costa Rica was chosen as a venue for the World Games of Surf in 2009 for a reason. When you are hosting an international contest of over 300 competitors from over 30 countries and you only have a week to run all the heats, you dont want to be skunked for waves.
Similarly, if you are thinking of going on a surf vacation that lasts for a week, even if you have about 300 less people to worry about (not counting the 1,000s of spectators that showed up but might miss you and your traveling companions show-down), you probably dont want to get skunked either. Well, consider takinga tip from top surfers from 30-some countries, Billabong, Monster Energy, the International Federation of Surf and its Costa Rican representatives and taking your trip to Hermosa Beach, near Jaco, Costa Rica for the best chance of consistent waves.
Hermosa was wisley chosen by Costa Rica's international federation of surf and the fierce storms thousands of miles away to the southwest that send us our waves did not disappoint with waves in the contest venue section of the beach from waist high to overhead for the entire eight day event. A trip down the beach for free surfing offered head high plus waves at sandbars to the south in Hermosa beach all week.
The reliable surf in Hermosa, the key to a good surf trip, is main reason I would recommend Costa Rica's central Pacific surf city of Jaco as a base for your surf adventure in Costa Rica. Jaco offers traditional tico businesses and all U.S. style services and is a 15 minute bike ride/5 minute car ride to one of the most consistent beaches in the world. There are some great restaraunts and the scenery is really beautiful, with the jungle covered mountains in Jaco coming right up to the beaches. Jaco Beach itself can get some really nice waves too and its rarely flat.
The coastal highway in our area is well constructed and maintained and allows you to roam easily sixty miles up or down the coast to explore the beaches of Bejuco, Esterillos Este, Centro and Oeste, Herradura, Caralillo, Puerto Caldera Jetty, and the river mouths of the Rio Barranca and the Damas.
Stay tuned and we will eventually cover all those beaches with best swell/tide information.
In the meantime, with three miles of gradually shifting bathymetery and a wide open unshadowed fetch to the big swells of the south, Playa Hermosa will get you everything you need.
Click on the photo link at the bottom of the page for a rundown of Hermosa from the friendly staff at DoceLunas, which sometimes offers specials for surfers.
In conclusion, I'd like to say, check me out: I caught a wave !